1980 - 1989 Tributes
For Police And Military K9 Handlers
Note : Some of these tributes are for those that were not line of duty

star on both sides of officer name indicates both officer and K9 were
killed in line of duty

Derek Hayes
May 21, 1988 -
Crossmaglen, South Armarch - Age 28
Corporal Derek Hayes was from
Lincolnshire and was killed along with his dog in a terrorist booby-trap
bomb at Castleblayney Road, Crossmaglen. He has went forward to
investigate a box, partly hidden in a ditch, and on doing so the bomb
detonated. Corporal Hayes was buried with the ashes of his dog.
Lt. Fred Floyd House
January 28, 1988 -
Summit County, Utah - Age 36
Lieutenant House, 36, was shot and killed on January 28, 1988 while
participating with a SWAT team to assist federal and state law
enforcement agencies during a siege of a family compound in Marion,
Utah. At the time this incident had been the longest siege in FBI
On January 16, 1988, two days before the ninth anniversary of the death
of John Singer, Addam Swapp detonated a church building at 3:00 a.m.
with 87 sticks of dynamite, causing 1.5 million dollars in damage owned
by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. in Marion about a
mile from his home. This act of terrorism was Addam’s way of notifying
the church and Utah he had begun to get even. Upon leaving the church,
Addam stuck a spear in the ground on the corner of the church property.
Nine feathers were attached to the handle, next to the engraved date –
January 18, 1979. The nine feathers signified the nine years since
John’s death. Tracks in the snow led from the spear directly to the
Singer farm. Swapp had walked to the nearby family home and watched the
explosion with family members Jonathan Singer and a dozen family members
including nine children and Swapp’s two wives. When police contacted
Addam Swapp and Vickie Singer at their home with 15 people inside,
including Addam Swapp’s six children, all under the age of six to
surrender, they refused and promised them a battle. The Summit County
Sheriff’s office immediately requested assistance from the Utah
Department of Public Safety due to the explosives. The DPS summoned
experts from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms and FBI. For
the next thirteen days, federal law enforcement officers surrounded the
Singer property in an attempt to force the Singer and Swapp family
members to surrender. More than 100 law officers responded to the scene
within 24 hours and were held at bay for 13 days in extremely low
temperatures, where nightly temperatures dropped below zero. It was
necessary to rotate officers every few hours due to the temperature.
Swapp and Singer refused to leave the property or cooperate with
officers at the scene. Authorities used a variety of tactics in an
attempt to move the siege to a peaceful conclusion. Low flying aircraft
buzzed the house and circled the 2 1/2f acre farm. Spotlights were
extinguished and aerial flares were fired over the compound. Emergency
vehicles activated lights and sirens. Also a public address system was
installed which directed high pitch electronic static at the Singer
compound. The main water line into the compound was severed. In order to
further motivate the Singers/Swapps to open communications, the decision
was made to disconnect electrical power to the compound. An FBI
marksman, who fired two rounds into a power transformer, accomplished
this. Throughout this time, Swapp was observed walking around the Singer
property with a rifle, and Singer, who was confined to a wheelchair, was
observed also brandishing a rifle from the window of the Singer
The siege ended on the morning of January 28, when police attached a
tactical device commonly called a "flash bang" to a speaker. When
activated, this device produces a loud noise and a bright flash. The
device is used to temporarily distract and disorient a suspect. The plan
was to subdue Addam with the aid of a police dog during this brief
period of time. At 6 a.m. the plan was placed in motion. As expected,
Addam emerged from his home and approached the load speaker, firing
several rounds, and shouting obscenities at the police. As Addam began
to remove the speaker, the flash bang was activated and Officer House
released his dog. The dog was startled by the flash bang and ran from
the scene, failing to engage the suspect. Addam fired at the dog as it
ran for cover. Addam then hastily retreated to the safety of the house.
Although this plan had failed, authorities were convinced that the plan
had merit. A backup plan was set in motion. Another daily routine
observed by police was the morning milking of several goats by Addam and
Jonathan Swapp. At 8:30 a.m., Addam and Jonathan left their fortified
home to milk the goats. Lt. Fred House and an FBI team hid in a nearby
home and attempted to use a plan designed by the FBI to apprehend Swapp
carrying a rifle, while he and his brother Jonathan walked to a near
by goat pen to milk a goat. As they approached the goat pen, Officer
Fred House appeared in a nearby doorway and ordered his dog to attack.
Lt House’s K-9 hesitated, and when House stepped from cover to
encourage his K-9 he became a target himself and was fatally shot by
Timothy Singer with a .30 caliber steel jacketed round fired from the
Singer home and fell in the doorway. A bullet also struck another
federal agent in the chest, but his bullet-proof vest deflected the
bullet. An FBI Agent tried to pull Officer House to safety. During this
heroic attempt, Addam Swapp, Jonathan Swapp, and Timothy Singer fired
numerous rounds. During this barrage of gunfire, the FBI Agent raised
his issued duty weapon and fired two rounds at Addam Swapp. One 9mm
round struck Addam in the right wrist. The bullet passed through his arm
and lodged in his chest. Addam fell to the ground, then stood up, and
ran to the house. Two armored personnel carriers had been standing by in
case of emergency. Officers immediately summoned their assistance to
evacuate Officer House. As the two armored personnel carriers moved
forward, they came under extremely heavy gunfire. More than 100 rounds
ricocheted off the front of these machines. Operators were fearful that
a bullet would pass through the narrow slits utilized for vision. As
officers were attempting to move Officer House to safety, Addam Swapp
emerged from the house, waiving a white towel stained with blood. He
surrendered without further incident. His injuries were not life
threatening. Following 20 minutes of tense negotiations, the remainder
of the Singer/Swapp family surrendered. Paramedics worked frantically to
stabilize Officer House. Despite their valiant efforts, Department of
Corrections Officer Fred House died at Marion, Utah. Inside the
compound, officers found hundreds of rounds of ammunition, numerous
weapons, including a sawed-off shotgun, rifles, and explosives. When
Lieutenant House was killed, he was wearing a body armor vest. Although
his vest contained hard ceramic inserts which upgraded its stopping
capabilities, the bullet struck the non-ceramic inside edge of the hard
armor chest panel and then penetrated through the soft portion of the
vest causing his death. His wife Ann and three children,
Seth, Janneke and Christy survive Lieutenant House.
Swapp, Singer and the rest of the family members were jointly tried in
April 1988. The jury found Swapp and Singer guilty of attempting to kill
officers and employees of the FBI, assaulting, resisting, opposing,
impeding and interfering with FBI agents while they were engaged in the
performance of their official duties, two counts of using a deadly and
dangerous weapon or firearm during and in relation to these crimes of
violence. In addition, Addam Swapp was convicted of knowingly and
maliciously damaging and attempting to damage a building with an
explosive, and using a deadly and dangerous weapon in connection with
that crime and sentenced to 15 years in federal prison. He was also
given an additional five-year mandatory sentence for using explosives.
For his conviction of manslaughter in state court, involving the death
of Lt. Fred House, he was sentenced to one to 15 years in prison. He was
sent to federal prison in Indiana. After serving his federal sentence,
he will be returned to Utah to serve his state sentence. The Swapp
brothers and John Timothy Singer were convicted of second-degree
attempted murder for firing on the officers. John Timothy Singer was
also sentenced to 10 years for using firearms against federal agents.
For his conviction of manslaughter in the death of Lt. Fred House he
will serve a one to 15 year sentence in Utah following his federal
sentence. Jonathan R. Swapp was sentenced to 10 years in federal prison
for using firearms against federal agents. He was sent to federal
prison in Arizona. For his conviction of misdemeanor negligent homicide,
he faces no more than one year in prison for the death of Lt. Fred
House. Vickie Singer was sentenced to 5 years for aiding in the use of a
gun and resisting arrest. She was later paroled after three and a half years and returned to live on her farm in Marion.
John Timothy Singer was released from
prison on October 10, 2006 at the age of 40 from Terminal Island,
California for the killing of Lt. Fred House. On January 27, 2007,
Addam Swapp was transferred to Arizona and not Utah because Fred House
relatives work at the prison.
Clifford William George
April 16, 1987
- Cincinnati, Ohio - Age 40
Officer George, 40, was shot and killed while on
duty with his own weapon on April 16, 1987 when he responded to a
domestic disturbance call between a brother and sister, at 2249 Vine
Street. Police including Officer George had been to the home earlier in
the day but the male subject, Melvin Moreland, has taken cocaine since
the previous call and then responded again when another problem was
reported. Unbeknownst to Officer George, Moreland also was on parole in
Missouri and prohibited from leaving that state. Moreland was a career
criminal who ran afoul of the law as a juvenile and was convicted of
multiple felonies as an adult. He robbed a restaurant in St. Louis, shot
at his estranged wife, and hit a woman on the head during a robbery of
jewelry store night deposit. He also was arrested for threatening a drug
store security guard with a knife. He was convicted of possessing an
unlawful weapon and resisting arrest and sentenced to five years for
each charge. After only 2¼ years, he was paroled on November 28, 1985.
Less than 1½ years later, he was violating the terms of that parole by
visiting his sister in Cincinnati. In a month, he had caused trouble at
least twice to the extent that his father was trying to get him to come
back to St. Louis. So Moreland agreed to go with Officer George to the
local bus station where he was to buy a ticket to Dallas, Texas. As they
approached the cruiser, Moreland attacked the officer. Officer George
was able to call for emergency assistance, however, the man disarmed him
and shot him several times before responding officers arrived. Moreland
turned, shot twice at his relatives, and then picked Officer George up
by the collar of his shirt and shot him again in the back of the neck.
He ran down Vine Street, between two buildings, into a rear yard and
then nearby woods. Two canines began to track him into the woods. K9
Bandit located Morland and attempted to apprehend him. Moreland opened
fire with Officer George’s gun, killing K9 Bandit and shooting his
handler Officer Gerald Norton, in the leg. Officers returned fire and
shot Moreland multiple times by Norton and another officer, Steven
Fromhold and killed Moreland. Officer George was a U.S. Army veteran of
the Vietnam War and served with the Cincinnati Police Department for 15
years. He was survived by his wife, Barbara, and three children.
Officer Daniel Scott
April 12, 1987
- Milford, Connecticut - Age 25

Officer Daniel Scott Wasson , 25, was a Police Officer serving the
Town of Milford in Connecticut. Officer Wasson had been commended
three times for outstanding performance since joining the force on
March 1, 1985. He was a U.S. Air Force veteran who worked in the
police K-9 unit. On Sunday morning of April, 12, 1987, while doing a
routine motor vehicle stop on Boston Post Road in Milford with his
K-9 partner General in the patrol car, Wasson had radioed a police
dispatcher before stopping a vehicle but they did not know Wasson's
reason for making the stop. Officer Wasson wrote down the license
plate number of the vehicle he was stopping before leaving his cruiser. Officer Wasson was found at 2:45
a.m. lying on the side of the road by a passing motorist with a
single gunshot wound to the chest. He had been gunned down
with a 44 magnum and was pronounced dead at Yale New Haven Hospital
shortly after 3 a.m. Officer Wasson's K-9, General, was turned
over to his family and retired from the police force. Officer
Wasson is buried in Kings Highway Cemetery in Milford. In 1993, The Connecticut Police Chiefs
Association, in cooperation with the Connecticut Police Work Dog
Association Inc., established The Daniel Wasson Memorial K-9 Award.
These annual awards are chosen from line of duty deployments
submitted by Connecticut police canine teams that exemplify the
highest tradition of police canine law enforcement. Daniel Scott
Wasson made the supreme sacrifice; it is in his memory that this
award is bestowed upon a K-9 team each year for outstanding
service. The award plaque honoring Officer Daniel Wasson and the
winners of this prestigious award is proudly displayed in the lobby
of the Connecticut Police Academy in Meriden, Connecticut. On June
23, 2003 State Route 796, the New Milford Parkway Connector, was
renamed Daniel S. Wasson Connector in honor of Officer Wasson and
a ball field is also named Daniel
Wasson Field in his honor. Officer Wasson was with the Milford
Police Department for two years. Officer Wasson was engaged to be
married at the time.
Wasson's locker number 43 remains empty to this day serving as a
reminder to city police officers who suit up for work that their fellow
officer made the ultimate sacrifice.
Thomas A. Hoyesen, 33, was arrested by Bridgeport Police officer's
Pamela Stewart and John Prokop at 3:00 a.m. the morning Officer Wasson
was killed, approximately 25 minutes after the shooting. Hoyesen was charged with narcotics possession, carrying a pistol without a permit and
failure to appear in court on a motor vehicle violation. Hoyesen had a
record going back to when he was 15 years old using drugs and turned to
cocaine in 1986. Hoyesen was on a three day cocaine binge when he shot
Officer Wasson. The suspect was
found to have a loaded .44 caliber revolver with one bullet missing
police said after Officer Wasson was shot and killed. Judge Philip E.
Mancini Jr. set Hoyesen bail at $750,000 when captured. Thomas Hoyesen
pleaded not guilty on May 22 but then changed his plea to guilty on May
24 to capital murder charges, avoiding a possible death
sentence. A three judge Superior Court panel did not give him the death
penalty because he was mentally impaired from heavy cocaine use. Hoyesen was sentenced to life in prison without the
possibility of parole on June 10, 1988 by Judge Philip E. Mancini Jr. and is serving his sentence at
the Corrigan-Radgowski Correctional Center in Montville for the murder. Judge
Samuel Freedman told the Wasson family he could understand their
frustration. He suggested that letters written by the family be brought
to attention of legislators to support the argument self - induced drug
use should not be considered a mitigating factor in capital cases.
Officer Patricia Faye
August 22,1986
- Corona, California - Age 45
On August 22, 1986, Officer Patricia
Faye Dwyer, 45, was off duty and
riding in back of a van traveling down the fast lane of highway 91 with
her husband Mike driving. They were taking their 24 year old son Mark to
the hospital from the Orange County Fairgrounds to a hospital in
Riverside for treatment of injuries from a motorcycle accident. Mark
had injured his neck in a speedway motorcycle race in
Costa Mesa and originally he felt fine but when his legs became numb the
family decided to rush to the hospital.
husband was behind a slow moving vehicle that was weaving in front of
him and he was trying to pass the vehicle. Mike Dwyer flashed his lights
a few times to tell the driver in front of him he wanted to pass him.
The driver in front of him made an obscene gesture. The Dwyer’s Dodge
overtook Hawks' Oldsmobile near Coal Canyon Road. Over
the next 12 miles Patricia's husband, Mike Dwyer, and the other vehicle
were engaging in speeds up to 85 mph. When they reached the South Main
Street exit in Corona, Patricia Dwyer stood up in the back to see where
the other car was from the passenger-side window. "She said `Good. He's
slowing down. He's going into the slow lane, we'll be fine. Seconds
later the
driver of the other vehicle in front of them became angry and decided to
follow the Dwyer’s van onto the street in Corona and reached behind his
seat and grabbed a
12 gauge shot gun and fired a slug at the back of the van hitting
Officer Dwyer in the chest and then sped away at approximately 11:10
p.m. The slug went through Officer Dwyer, killing her almost instantly
and struck another person riding in the back of the van in the neck by the name of
Wendy Varga, 21, who then committed suicide years after.
The slug blew a hole an inch in diameter through the side
of the van four lanes away.
Witnesses gave a partial plate number and then an informant came forward
with information. Three days later an air conditoner repairman by the
name of Harold Harvey Hawks, 26, was arrested for suspicion of
murder and attempted murder and held on $250,000 bail for the murder of
Officer Dwyer.
On Dec. 9, 1978, Officer Dwyer became the first female
officer to work a shift as a sworn officer and four years later, she set
another milestone for the department by becoming part of its first
canine unit. The incident was considered the first "road rage" fatality
in the nation, occurring at a time when the term had not been coined --
such events were simply called "highway violence." Approximately
1,000 attended her service. She is survived by
her husband Mike, her son Mark and two daughters, Michelle and Holly
along with her K9 partner “Saber”.
Harvey Hawks, 27, a professional skateboarder of the late 1970s, was found guilty
after four days of deliberation and
was convicted of second-degree murder on May 4, 1987, He
served time
at the California
Institution for Men, in Chino, Calif. He was transferred to Folsom State
Prison about a month later. In 1989, he was moved to the Correctional
Training Facility, in Soledad, were he remained until his release.
He has been denied parole four times.
After serving 26 years in prison he was eligible for
and was found suitable for parole at a court ordered parole hearing on
August 3, 2012 and released on parole after the Governor took no further
action on January 8, 2013.
Officer Harry Biddington
July 17, 1986 -
Anchorage, Alaska - Age 41
Officer Hanson, 41, was shot and killed on July 17, 1986,
approximately 3:45 a.m. while
searching for a suspect who had shot at another officer. Canine
Officer Hanson and canine Officer Giles were in pursuit of a man who
fired at another officer and had taken her cruiser. The fugitive,
William A. Weitz, 27, who was an ex convict was stopped approximately
3:30 a.m. by Officer Cindy Mittasch who spotted his green 1976 Toyota
station wagon near East Sixth Avenue and Juneau Street as a
possible getaway vehicle in a Convenience store robbery at the
Qwik Stop at 341 Boniface Parkway earlier on that evening. When the
vehicle was pulled over by Officer Mittasch, Weitz jumped from his car
and aimed a gun at her and Officer Mittasch ran behind her cruiser for
cover. The two of them exchanged shots Weitz advanced on Officer
Mittasch while still firing his weapon and she then ran to a vacant lot
to take cover. Weitz then jumped into Officer Mittasch's cruiser which
was idling and speed off in it. Weitz then crashed the cruiser into a
concrete wall at Eleventh Avenue and Nelchina Street and then fled on
foot. Several officers then arrived on scene looking for Weitz including
canine officer Hanson and canine officer Giles. Officer Hanson left his
K9 "Baron" in the cruiser while officer Giles took his K9 "Pete" to
pursue Weitz. Officer Giles K9 "Pete picked up the scent and started
tracking. The K9 led Officer Hanson and Officer Giles to a front yard of
a four plex at the corner of Tenth Street and Nelchina Street where
Weitz was hiding under a spruce tree with a .38 caliber revolver.
As both officers approached, Weitz jumped out and fired at Officer
Hanson from approximately one foot away striking him in the neck just
above his bullet proof vest. Weitz then ran into the street still
shooting at the officers with Officer Giles returning fire. Another
canine officer, Gilbert Cordell, chased Weitz and shot him and emptied
his service revolver and had to reload. Weitz was shot four times and
fell half way down Nelchina Street. Weitz shot a total of five shots at
police while officer Cordell fired eleven shots, Officer Giles fired
four shots, and Officer Hanson did not fire any shots. Officer Hanson
was rushed by ambulance to Humana Hospital were he died about an hour
later. Weitz was arrested and hospitalized as serious condition. He
later underwent surgery at Providence Hospital for his arm, shoulder and
thigh. Officer Hanson had been with the Anchorage Police Department
in Alaska for eight years. Officer Hanson joined the U.S. Army at 18
and served a short term in Korea. He served two terms in Vietnam and was
a highly decorated member with the Army Special Forces. He received the
Cross of Gallantry for bravery in combat and discharged from the Army in
1971 as a Captain after serving eight and a half years. Officer
Hanson received a 21 gun salute. He is survived by his wife Deanna and five
children, Melissa Anne Hanson,12 , Harry B. Hanson III, 10, Heather
Marie Hanson, 4, Amy Michelle Hanson,2, and Leo James Hanson, 4 months
Weitz had trouble with
the law at an early age and was declared a delinquent in 1970 at the age
of twelve. At the age of thirteen he was sent to Turning Point Boy's
Ranch for joy riding and petty theft. At the age of sixteen he was
institutionalized as a juvenile for strong armed robbery and burglary.
At the age of 20 he was arrested for burglary in a dwelling. In 1983, at
the age of 25, he was sent to prison for gas station burglaries. On June
27, 1986, three weeks before he killed Officer Hanson he pulled a gun on
officer Kevin Ehm. Weitz had just been released from Cardova Center, a
half way house, on February 24, 1986, just five months before
killing Officer Hanson. His original release date was set for June 12,
Weitz was found with marked money from
the convenience store. He was charged with first degree murder, two
counts of attempted murder, one count of first degree assault, one count
of armed robbery, and being a felon in possession of a firearm. He
was held on a one million dollar bond. Weitz was found guilty of all
charges, robbery in the first degree, two counts of attempted murder in
the first degree, one count of murder in the first degree and one count
of assault in the first degree. His jury trial ended on December 4,
1986. On March 6, 1987, Judge Seaborn J. Buckalew Jr. sentenced
Weitz to 169 years in prison, 99 years for killing Officer Hanson, 20
years for each for the robbery and attempted murder, and thirty years
for the other charges and shall be eligible for no parole.
Brian David Brown
May 28, 1986 - Kilkeel,
County Down - Age 37
Corporal Brian Brown, 37, was killed by an IRA bomb along with
his golden labrador, Oliver,
as he and his search dog made a second search of a petrol station after
a bomb warning. Both Corporal
Brown and Oliver were killed instantly, and it is believed that Oliver
may have nudged an oil drum containing the bomb, which was activated by
a mercury tilt switch. A colleague was
badly injured. He had been a dog handler for ten years. His Widow
received a posthumous Queens Gallantry Medal in July 1987. He was
married with 4 children and was on duty at the time of his death.
Officer Roy Hobson
August 23, 1985 -
Lexington Fayette Urban County, Kentucky - Age 35
Officer Mardis, 35, was killed August 23, 1985 while assisting the
Kentucky State Police track a double homicide suspect. After locating the suspect in a thick
cornfield the suspect ran from the cornfield into an open field.
Police believed the suspect was armed at the time. Police said they
saw something bright and shiny but later it turned out to be a screw
driver. Police believe Officer Mardis fired the first shot of about 20
fired in about five seconds. Police heard Officer Mardis yell to the
suspect "get your hands where I can see them". Police then heard the
suspect shout back at Officer Mardis that he didn't want to go back to
prison and that he would have to kill him. Police then said they heard
Officer Mardis fire about twelve more rounds. Troopers on the outer perimeter opened fire with Ruger
Mini-14s.. with about four more rounds. Haight then fled and
jumped over a fence. There was then more gun fire and an officer yelled
for cease fire. Haight was captured about one hundred yards from the
fence. Officer Larry Downs was also using a bloodhound when he found
Officer Mardis's bloodhound "Amanda" wandering around loose. He then
found Officer Mardis' body in the corn field. One .223
caliber round entered the cornfield and hit Officer Mardis between the eyes
killing him instantly. Officer Mardis was well know within his field
as a top K-9 officer. Officer Mardis had been with the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Police
Dept. in Kentucky for 13 years. He is survived by his wife Sue and five
daughters.On September 5, 1985
State Police identified the officer who shot Lexington
police officer Roy Mardis as Sgt. Gary Peercy, 30, a seven-year state
police veteran. A Mercer County coroner's jury ruled after deliberating
only five minutes that the shooting was accidental and that the bullet
had probably ricocheted of the ground or cornstalk before striking
Mardis. A state police forensics expert believes the bullet ricochet
because the entry wound on Officer Mardis' head was large and the entire
bullet was not recovered from Officer Mardis body.
The suspect
Officer Mardis was tracking, Randy Haight, 33, had escaped from Johnson
County Jail on 7/22/85 with his girlfriend and another inmate while
awaiting trial in three counties. Haight fired at a state trooper who tried to stop him on August
22, 1985. Haight had been charged with with the death of Patricia Vance
and David Omer who were found in their car near Harrington Lake in Garrard County the day Officer
Mardis was killed.
He executed a young couple by shooting the man in the face, chest,
shoulder, and back of head and shot the woman in the shoulder, temple,
back of head, and through the eye. Haight was apprehended and sentenced to death for
the double murder on 3/22/94. Haight
had stole guns and several cars.
Constable Michael
Joseph Buday
March 19, 1985 -
British Columbia - Age 27

Constable Michael Buday, 27, was shot and killed on March 19, 1985
at Teslin Lake, which straddles the Yukon-British Columbia Border.
The incident occurred on the shoreline in very thick woods.
Constable Buday was stationary and very well covered from an
approach from the lake as part of an ERT operational plan. The
killer, a Michael Oros, age 33, had lived in the northern regions of
Canada for several years. He proclaimed himself a prophet and a
Vietnam veteran. He was known for his violent outbreaks and was
suspected in the disappearance of a trapper in 1981 who was his
former friend, trapper Gunter Lischy, and was known to have raided
wilderness cabins.. Oros became a burglary suspect when a
Whitehorse family had discovered their cabin broken into. The
R.C.M.P. used an aircraft to fly over the remote lake area to search
for Oros. When he knew they had spotted him, he shot at the aircraft
but missed. The police flew back to Teslin, where more officers were
recruited to confront Oros on the following day. Constable Buday,
the team's dog handler and twelve other officers dropped into the
area. Oros, an experienced woodsman was armed with two rifles, The
suspect managed to circle through the thick woods and sneak up
behind him unobserved, shooting him in the back. Constable Buday
never saw it coming. Constable Garry Rodgers who was with Constable
Buday returned fire killing the suspect. Dennis Dennison, owner of
Coyote Air Services of Teslin, piloted the command plane for the
operation. He confirmed Oros' death by flying over the body after
the shooting. A week later, over 700 RCMP traveled to Brooks,
Alberta--the home of Michael Buday--to say good-bye to their
comrade. Constable Buday's police dog “Trooper” led the funeral
procession from the church to the cemetery. Buday's name joined the
Honor Roll of nearly 200 RCMP who have died in the line of duty.
After the Oros shoot-out, Atlin RCMP Corporal Barry Erickson
discovered the bones of Gunter Lischy while searching the area near
Oros' cabin with Constable Jack Warner of Teslin. A forensic
pathologist examined the bones and determined Lischy died from a
bullet in the back. A coroner's jury deliberated for just over an
hour before concluding that Michael Oros had killed Gunter Lischy.
Officer Joseph Hepp
March 4, 1984 -
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Age 39
Officer Joseph Hepp, 39, was killed when his car struck a bridge
abutment on the Roosevelt Boulevard Extension as he drove to work.
Emergency personnel were unable to remove Officer Hepp from the car
untill a trainer was called to calm his unhurt German shepherd, which
had blocked officers from approaching. Officer Hepp was pronounced dead
at 10:20 a.m. at the hospital. Officer Hepp was a 17-year veteran of the
Philadelphia Police Department.
Officer Richard
D. Lendell
January 14,1983 -
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Age 43
Officer Richard Lendell, 43,suffered a fatal heart attack on
January 14, 1983 while responding to an officer needs assistance
call at 11:45 p.m..
Officer Richard Lendell was on duty with his Canine partner, King
when he responded to an assist officer call, at the Saint Athanasius
R.C. Church
located at Limekiln Pike and Walnut Lane. The church was hosting a
dance when a fight occurred and several of the attendees left the
church hall and
refused to disperse from the area.
As a result of the heart attack, Officer Lendell's patrol car
crashed into a parked cars at 72nd Street and Ogontz
Avenue. Responding officers were prevented from entering the
vehicle by Officer Lendell's canine partner, King, who was
protecting Officer Lendell.
Another canine officer was able to get King out of the
vehicle which allowed officers to get to Officer Lendell. He was
taken to a nearby hospital where
he was pronounced dead. Officer Lendell had served with the
Philadelphia Police Department for 16 years.
Trooper Gary E.
August 30, 1982
- New York State Police - Age 32
New York State Trooper Gary E. Kubasiak, 32, died on August 30, 1982,
from gunshot wounds to his chest, abdomen and hand from a 30-30 rifle, on Route 62,
Town of Dayton, Cattaraugus County, at the residence of James Swan,
(former mental patient and school mate known to Kubasiak). Trooper
Kubasiak went to the residence with other New York State police
members. Swan opened the kitchen door for Kubasiak, let him in and
shot him three times before he even had a chance to defend himself
or order his dog to attack. Investigator Timothy Howard then entered
the residence through a bedroom window, unaware that Kubasiak had
been shot. Howard heard Swan threaten to shoot K-9 Donivan and
ordered him to drop the rifle. Swan responded by pointing the weapon
at Howard, at which time Howard shot Swan in the chest and left him
for dead. Howard then went to Kubasiak's aid, and advised the other
officers to call for an ambulance. Zone Sergeant Berger entered the
residence to check on Swan's condition. Swan had crawled into a
bedroom and closed the door. When Berger kicked the door open he was
confronted by Swan with a shotgun pointed at him. Swan slammed the
door shut, Berger then called for assistance. Later Swan opened the
bedroom door and surrendered to troopers.
Trooper Kubasiak was pronounced dead at Tri County Hospital in
Gowanda, NY. Trooper Kubasiak had been with the New York State Police for nine
years. James Swan was
convicted of murder and sentenced to a term of thirty five years to
life. James J. Swan
escaped from a holding cell in the Cattaraugus County courthouse in May
of 1984 when he broke away from sheriff deputies and escaped through an
emergency exit door of the court house in Little Valley. Deputy
sheriff's were about to lead Mr. Swan into the courtroom of County Judge
J. James Crawley, who had ordered them to remove Mr. Swan's handcuffs
and leg irons before bringing him in. James Swan was captured five miles
away by local law enforcement at 8:21 p.m. in the community of Mansfield
ending a manhunt that had covered a wide area of western New York and
involved hundreds of officers.
Pte. Mark Dodsworth
June 12, 1982 -
Falkland Islands - age 35
Officer Chance
Frederick Whiteman III
March 26, 1982 -
Tulsa, Oklahoma - age 35
Officer Whiteman, age 35, was killed on March 26, 1982 in a
helicopter accident while assisting patrol officers during a high
speed car
chase. Dispatchers lost contact with the helicopter during the
chase. A deputy sheriff found the crash site at about 1:30 a.m. and was later discovered to have struck a tree and crashed
near 66th Street and Lakewood Avenue. Officer Kelly Smythe,
who was with Officer Whiteman, was also killed in the crash. The helicopter program was
only ten days old at the time of the accident. Both Officer
Whiteman and Officer Smythe served Tulsa
Police Department in Oklahoma and were 5 year veterans of the
department. Officer Whiteman had over 1500 hours of flight time and had
flown helicopters for the Army in Vietnam and survived being shot down
twice. Officer Whiteman is survived by his wife and one son,
Chance Frederick Whiteman IV.