CPWDA Central

C.P.W.D.A. Info
Executive Board Members
Member Benefits
Current Wasson Winner
Wasson Award History
Daniel Wasson Tribute
Detection Awards
Tracking Awards
Certification Standards
Training & Seminars
Event Calendar
C.P.W.D.A. Forms
K9 Equipment For Sale
K-9's In Action
Photo Gallery
Photo Gallery 2
CPWDA Videos
K9 Demo Request
CPWDA Training Articles
CPWDA Members' K-9 Cards
K-9 Links
K-9 Handlers LODD
K-9 Monuments
K9 Patches
CPWDA K-9 Poems
CPWDA Sponsors
CPWDA Donations

K9 Patches

TOTAL  3,840

The Connecticut Police Work Dog Association Inc. would like to thank all police departments, agencies and individuals for submitting K-9 patches from across the United States. Your participation made this the largest collection of K-9 patches on the internet. These patches are for viewing only and are not for sale or trade.  The patches are in alphabetical order by name of town or city. If your department K-9 patch is not listed and would like it included and displayed  in our collection please scan a picture of your K-9 patch and email to Jim Cortina In the subject area of the email place in K-9 Patch Only K-9 patches will be displayed from the United States. Thank you for your interest and we look forward to adding your K-9 patch.

Connecticut K9 Patches
CT Police  CT State Police  CT Corrections
United States K9 Patches
U.S. City  U.S. State Police  U.S. Corrections
U.S. Government  U.S. Military  U.S. Railroad
 K9 Associations  Search & Rescue  Miscellaneous



Web-Master: Jim Cortina


Copyright 2004 Connecticut Police Work Dog Association (C.P.W.D.A.)

All Rights Reserved. Reproduction Strictly Prohibited.