CPWDA Central


K-9 Poems

A Police Dogs Prayer

Author - Unknown
Oh almighty God,
whose great power and eternal
wisdom embraces the universe,
watch over my handler while I sleep.
Protect my handler from harm
while I am unable to do so.
I pray, help keep our streets and homes
safe while my handler and I rest.
I ask for your loving care because
my handler's duty is dangerous.
Grant my handler your unending strength
and courage in our daily assignments.
Dear God,
protect my brave handler,
grant your almighty protection,
unite my handler safely with the family
after the tour of duty has ended.
I ask nothing for myself.













Web-Master: Jim Cortina


Copyright © 2004 Connecticut Police Work Dog Association (C.P.W.D.A.)

All Rights Reserved. Reproduction Strictly Prohibited.